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EmploymentCrossing’s Top 20 Most Popular Career Advice Articles of 2016

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Summary: Employment Crossing is your source of all employment questions and tips. Use this list of the top 20 articles on the site in 2016 to make next year better.

Follow the advice in these 20 most popular articles on EmploymentCrossing to better your career.

There is so much you can learn about improving your career. This list of the top 20 most popular articles of the year is a great resource to help you with your career goals.
  1. Advantages and Disadvantages of Big Companies vs. Small Companies

This articles dives into the differences between working for a small company and a large company. The differences may be positives or negatives depending on the person, so understanding what comes with each type of company will help you determine which route to take.
  1. Sample Follow-Up Letter after a Phone Call

Knowing the best way to follow up after receiving a phone call before an interview can be difficult. You want to make a good impression so that they call you again for an interview in the future. Use this example letter as a start.
  1. Sending Emails the Workplace Way: Do’s and Don’ts for Communication

The relationships you establish in the workplace are sensitive. Being too informal or formal may cause rifts with your coworkers. This article explains why some emails are okay and others are not okay to send.
  1. How Important Is Your GPA When Applying for an Internship?

Receiving good grades starting in high school is very important. A good GPA shows potential employers that you are capable of working hard. However, it is not a deal breaker if your grades are a little lower than desired.
  1. How to Include Special Projects, Activities and Awards to Strengthen Your Resume

Depending on your industry, including things like special projects and awards may be valuable. Use this article to learn the correct way of including these details in your resume so they fit in but are still noticed.
  1. 7 Things You Don’t Owe Your Boss

Your boss does not own you. They can expect your full commitment while at work, but once the workday is done, you should not be expected to meet their demands. This article goes into seven things that you should not hand over to your boss to control.
  1. How to Best Prep for Your Next Interview

The interview is an especially important event that you don’t want to mess up. Take these tips to help you prepare for your next interview so that you are at the top of your game.
  1. Tom Hanks Shares the Best Career Advice in One Word

There is one simple word that Tom Hanks says has allowed him to be as successful as he is. Read this article to learn what the word is and why it has had such an impact on him.
  1. What to Do When You Are Having No Luck in Your Job Search

You may be scouring the job ads looking for something that matches your criteria in a new job and are unable to find many jobs that match what you’re looking for. There are several reasons for this, but it often comes down to how you are searching. The words you use and places you look may be determining if you are finding the right jobs to apply for.
  1. The Pros and Cons of Telling Off Your Boss

The desire to tell your boss what you really think of them can be dangerous. This article lists the pros and cons of telling your boss what you really think.
  1. Email vs. Phone vs. Meeting

The method you use to communicate may not be appropriate for all instances. Use this article to understand when it is okay to use email or when a phone or meeting may be the better option.
  1. Top 10 Reasons People Fail to Achieve Their Goals

Most people claim to know how important goal setting is in their career and personal life, but few actually take action and set goals. Learn the differences between “be” goals and “do” goals and the types of goals that fit under each area.
  1. Welcoming Back: Returning to Work after Your Maternity Leave

The return from any break at work can be tough. The amount of time you take off for maternity leave will depend on your family’s needs, your company’s policy, and Family and Medical Leave Act guidelines. Then use this article to help you mentally and physically prepare to go back to work.
  1. This Is the Worst Work Advice You Can Ever Receive

You have probably been told “don’t take it personally” by numerous people at work, but this advice is not effective. Learn why this advice is incorrect and why you need to make work personal.
  1. Trait-and-Factor Career Counseling

Trait-and-factor career counseling typically focuses on the uniqueness of the individual, but there are two consequences of using this method. Learn more about this approach to career counseling in this article.
  1. 5 Steps to Making a Bold Career Move

Making a change in your career can seem like an impossible task. With a little guidance, in the form of five tips, you can find the direction you need to make the change.
  1. Five Necessary Steps Before Taking a New Job

Making the switch to a new job requires careful consideration. Evaluate the pros and cons of switching to a new employer before making the jump. You may be so excited to get out of your job that you don’t pay attention to the red flags of the new potential job.
  1. Interview Tips: Discussing Past Bosses

Your previous boss will be brought up during an interview. It’s going to happen. The way you handle discussing a negative employer will greatly affect whether you receive an offer from the new company. Prepare yourself by learning what kind of questions you can expect regarding your experiences with past bosses.
  1. The “Dark Side” of Going In House

Attorneys often get the impression that going in-house is the ideal job, but there are severe drawbacks that come with making the move. Learn about them in this article by Harrison Barnes.
  1. Your Fork Is Not a Shovel: Business Etiquette and Know-How for Today’s New Professional

Work events that involve food are common and often a preferred way of meeting with coworkers, clients, and potential employers. Read these etiquette guidelines to learn more about how you should act when it comes to food and drink in a business setting.

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I like the volume of jobs on EmploymentCrossing. The quality of jobs is also good. Plus, they get refreshed very often. Great work!
Roberto D - Seattle, WA
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