Keep Customers Happy - It is just as important to keep business as it is to get new business, so you need to keep your customers happy. For us, this is the schools, cities, and institutions we work with and the individuals that work, learn, and live in those places. This is a tough task, but making a commitment to customer service and sticking to it is essential to long-term survival and growth.
Don't Always Take Yes for An Answer - You always hear "don't take no for an answer". Well, sometimes you have to take no for an answer, if the deal you are working on doesn't make sense for you, or isn't worth the time and energy you'd have to put in to take that no to a yes. Conversely, you need to know when to say no if you are offered a deal that doesn't make sense for you. When you start to become more well-known a lot of offers come your way, and knowing how to separate the good strategic partnerships from the potential pitfalls is key.
Be Tenacious - While it makes sense to say no sometimes, if there is an opportunity that you or your company needs to succeed, don't stop until you lock it down. Often times moving into a new sector or industry area is difficult, but that hard work pays off when you get the second, third, and fourth customers. And in the times where you do find yourself in a less than perfect situation, work to make that situation into a win. Nothing feels better than turning a loss into a win.
Jonas Falk, OrganicLife CEO