Should Have Responsibility in Planning and Food Preparation Work
The demand for a food service manager is in very high. The number of job opportunities is in a stage of rapid growth. A food manager is a person who is often responsible for managing employees and overseeing the food preparation. They must watch, maintain, and store the food using practices taught with quality control. The responsibility of planning and preparing foods can be very enjoyable to a food service manager. They are the ones that determine the success of the company. If you are a food service manager you will also be the one compiling the necessary files for company records. These files will be used to prepare schedules for the workers, things like maintenance and cleanings, staff meetings, and offer an insight for areas that need improvement.
Should Have Skill, Knowledge & Abilities
If you are interested to be a food service manager, then you should have a variety of skills and knowledge that will enable you to be successful. You should have knowledge about: food service operations, ideas of requisition, inventory records, food preparation, sanitation methods, modified diets, food storage methods, and employee training principles. The ability to successfully manage your company is extremely important. You will have a key role with every aspect of operation.
Education and Experience is a Requirement
If you want to be a food service manager, then you should have food related education as well as experience. To become a food service manage most companies require that you at least five 1-3 years of experience in the food industry. This will not only prepare you for what you will be handling, but give you an insight on the employees point of view.
Education has never hurt anyone. Going to a culinary school or business management school will only assist in your endeavors. The more you learn about the job you applying for, the better off you will be in the long run.
One of the main responsibilities of the food service managers is employee management. They must be able to handle customer's demands quickly and efficiently. Qualified food managers also manage and direct the employees. The employees are the ones who engage in food preparation, storage and customer service. A manager should be present in restaurant at all times to make sure that everything is being done to their standards. They are there to assist employees and offer ideas and suggestions to make things run smoothly.