These letters are good examples of the effort dedicated networkers make to pursue leads through referrals or make contacts with new people who might provide assistance. For instance, after attending a professional association meeting, Nancy Symons seized the chance to introduce herself to the guest speaker in hopes that he will suggest names of others she can contact.
7723 Chalkstone
St. Louis, MO 63558
June 21, 199X
Todd Meier (name changed)
1385 Club View Court
El Cerrito, CA 94530
Dear Todd,
Thank you for the information you gave me over the phone today about your CEO position with the Berkeley Youth Club. When Tom Bennett called to tell me your Executive Director was leaving, I was very interested in finding out more about your agency. As you will note from my resume, I graduated from Syracuse University, and I would welcome the opportunity to move back to New York where I have friends and family. Having served on Youth Club staffs around the country for more than 12 years, I know the agency's philosophy and culture very well.
On December 31, I left my position as Downtown Executive Director/Metropolitan Vice-President of the St. Louis Youth Club to pursue an interest in professional fund raising. I spent two years as a professional consultant with a nationally recognized fund-raising company. Additionally, I have served for two years as Executive Director for a very large home health agency in Dallas. I feel very confident that my high energy level and my management experiences, both inside and outside the Youth Club, will enable me to be a very effective, successful, and contributing Chief Executive Officer for Berkeley.
I am personally challenged by Youth Club Boards, lay leadership and staff who are engaged in planning for future growth and development in operations budgets and long-range plans.
I will call you next week to confirm your receipt of my resume and ascertain whether I am the type of candidate you are seeking.
Sincerely yours,
Charles H. Brown (name changed)
Glenda Martin
11 College Road Commerce, TX 75428 903-262-0088
December 7, 199X
Glenn W. Maloney
Campus Activities Office
UNB 4.304
Austin, TX 78713-7338
Dear Mr. Maloney:
Dr. Ruth Ann White, a professor of counseling and guidance at East Texas State University, suggested I contact you concerning the position of student Development Specialist III. I am particularly interested in your opening because I would like to continue my career in student services at a larger institution of the caliber of the University of Texas.
My master's in guidance and counseling and four years of experience working with students, their organizations and faculty should serve as an excellent background for the position.
As this resume is due by December 9, I will call you the week of December 19 to be sure you have received it, answer any preliminary questions and ascertain your interview schedule.
Sincerely yours,
Glenda Martin
7 Park Lane
Oklahoma City, OK 73101
March 26, 199X
Mr. Harland Stauffer
Vice President-Engineering
Frito-Lay Inc.
PO Box 660634
Dallas, TX 75266-0634
Dear Mr. Stauffer:
John Hill, the president of Logisticon and an old friend, called me today and said he had discussed my job search with you. You suggested to John that I send you my resume and then follow up with a call.
Frito-Lay might be in need of a senior-level executive with a background of accomplishment who has worked on both the user and the vendor side of the fence in implementing system solutions.
I was recently a Vice President with Rath & Strong, a well-known national consulting firm in Boston. I resigned to pursue a senior management position with a company in the Dallas area. My managerial career has been a diversified one.
- In my last position, I was responsible for highly successful projects that generated millions of dollars of increased revenue and/or cost reduction for client companies.
- As COO of a software company I managed the company through a severe cash crisis to its successful acquisition by a Fortune 200 company.
- As CFO of a $200-1- million manufacturing company I was responsible for the restructuring of the financial function and the implementation of MRP, distribution and financial systems which provided for the reduction of costs and inventories, resulting in savings of millions of dollars while, at the same time, optimizing resources and increasing revenues.
I would like the opportunity to discuss my background and experience in more detail in a personal interview. I will call you in the next week to follow up.
William F. Cunniff
Connie Littlefoot
66 Brookside Way
Carson City, NV 89701
August 2, 199X
Mr. Don Stiver
Vice President of Human Resources
Austin Industries
P.O. Box 1590
Las Vegas, NV 89030
Dear Mr. Stiver:
Doris Thompson's husband, a former student of mine, stopped by after class one day last week to tell me that Doris knew of "the perfect job for me!" Naturally, this piqued my curiosity, so I gave her a call. After discussing the job description for manager-developer and the company's philosophy with her, I have decided to submit my resume for consideration.
Judging from Doris's comments, Austin Industries would provide me with a wonderful opportunity to use my 16 years of human-resource development experience in a flexible atmosphere, among people who really care about the organization and each other.
I look forward to discussing your training department and its future development at our soonest mutual convenience. As I am out of town teaching most of the week, I will call you on Friday, August 9, to assure you have received my resume and to schedule a time for us to get together.
Sincerely yours,
Connie Littlefoot (name changed)
Here's another Great Letter from Nancy Symons
11327 David Way San Bernardino, CA 92404 (909) 823-7376
May 9, 199X
Mr. Bruce Jordan
AST Research Inc.
602 Val Mar Drive
Suite 500
San Bernardino, CA 92404
Dear Mr. Jordan:
I was present at the IFMA meeting last night and was very impressed with your presentation on computer applications for business. Having moved from Canada and secured my work permit, I am networking to explore industries and companies that could utilize my background in strategic facilities planning and real estate.
I am a new member of the San Bernardino IFMA Chapter. I was active in the Toronto, Canada, chapter and most recently was editor of the Utilities Council newsletter in which I contributed to the professional development of the association's members. I am writing to you because I realize that your knowledge of the industry is extensive and I would like to ask for your help.
For over 15 years, I have been in the facility management and real estate field with one of the largest energy services companies in North America. For the past four years, I was the executive responsible for strategic business planning for their headquarters facilities, encompassing over 3 million square feet. My most recent strategy is now saving the company over $20 million annually. I was intrigued by your comment about your building's floor plates being over 40,000 square feet in size. The headquarters that I managed is over 50,000 square feet and curved in shape which, as you know, presents some interesting challenges.
In corresponding with you, my hope is that the name of a few particular individuals or companies may come to mind as possible target opportunities. I expect your insight could prove beneficial in helping me sort out likely prospects for further investigation and networking. For your convenience, enclosed is a copy of my resume which details my skills, experience, key achievements and education.
I realize you are busy so I will call you next week to arrange a convenient time for us to meet briefly. At that time, I can introduce myself more fully, listen to your advice, and discuss ideas which could be of benefit. Thank you in advance for your help. I look forward to speaking with you.
Nancy M. Symons
4915 Windmere Drive East
Phoenix, A2 85044
February 3, 199X
Ms. Sharon McGovern
Human Resources
Cameo Inc.
11333 Palm Canyon Drive
Phoenix, AZ 85018
Dear Ms. McGovern:
I am a client of Taunee Besson, having just moved to Phoenix from Kansas as a relocating spouse. When Taunee called me about your senior administrative assistant position, I was really enthusiastic about the opportunity it represented. Consequently, I am sending my resume for your consideration.
For the past six years, I have served as a "jack of all trades" office and human resource manager for two organizations. During that time, 1:
- Hired, trained and terminated employees
- Wrote employee handbooks and training manuals
- Conducted and monitored performance appraisals
- Justified promotions, transfers and raises to upper management
- Wrote employment ads and job descriptions
- Maintained employee benefit and other HR records.
I am looking forward to discussing how the position and my background might be a good match. I will call you next week to confirm receipt of my resume and schedule an appointment.
Sincerely yours,
Bonnie Thompson
921 Northlake Parkway
Atlanta, GA 30345
January 15, 199X
Ms. Laura Montclair
Manaser, Professional Employment
Charter Medical Corp.
1 Main Street
Macon, GA 12346
Dear Ms. Montclair:
At a recent meeting of the Regional Sales Association, I met James Smith, a Charter marketing representative, who suggested I contact you about employment possibilities in the South.
Through my conversation with Mr. Smith and the article on Charter in the December issue of Business Chronicle, I understand that you are expanding the Southern territory into Tennessee and Alabama, Having attended school at the University of Tennessee-Knoxville, I would welcome the chance to live in that area again.
My education and experience have prepared me well for a position as sales representative. My degree program in Professional Selling included courses in Consumer Behavior, Buying and Selling, Marketing Management and Sales Promotion. Through these and other courses, I have developed strong skills in verbal and written communications as well as organizational and analytical abilities.
During the past three years, I have chosen summer jobs that allowed me to test out my interest in sales and marketing. At Rich's I had extensive contact with customers and enjoyed assisting them in merchandise selection. My work at UPS helped me realize that I can effectively handle a job which involves traveling and meeting a variety of people in different locations.
I would appreciate the opportunity to speak with you during my spring vacation (March 12-19), if that would be convenient. I will call next week to discuss when we might get together.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Jeffrey Samuels