The first is by a graduate student in architecture looking for a postsecondary teaching position. Have you any doubt that Dean Ripley will be interested in this obviously intelligent young man who takes the time to read about fellow colleagues in pertinent journals.
Thomas Lamb
Armbruster Boulevard Denver, Colorado 80219 303-371-6677
January 30, 199X
Dr. Melba Ripley
Dean of the School of Architecture
University of Louisiana
1000 Webber Hall
Baton Rouge, LA 70814
Dear Dean Ripley:
As someone who has devoted nearly five years to the study of how inexpensive housing can be made of native materials in Third World countries, I was more than intrigued by the recent accomplishments of you and your students in designing and providing "instant" housing to victims of the recent hurricane in Central America.
My purpose in writing is to inquire about whether you might have any positions available in developing new structures and working with students in this area. I have just finished serving on a committee that designed a four-semester curriculum on housing citizens of the Third World for the University of Denver. While the topography there is beautiful, I've decided that I would like to head for warmer weather and be part of the premiere effort to eradicate homelessness wherever possible.
During the past four years, I have been a Graduate Assistant to Dr. Graham Benson who has shared the rostrum with you at many academic and global conferences on housing. Together we, along with a group of high school and college students, have spent the past several summers showing people in south central Africa how to mix a specially prepared binder developed by our research lab with local materials to make durable homes in a matter of days. I would truly enjoy merging my knowledge of construction techniques with those of your colleagues to continue advancing the state-of-the-art in this innovative and humanitarian endeavor.
Enclosed you will find my vita. I plan to vacation In Louisiana this spring and would appreciate the opportunity to talk with you then about my career objectives and your need for new faculty. I will call you next week to ascertain a mutually convenient time for us to meet,
Sincerely yours,
Thomas Lamb
The following letter is of a liberal arts graduate:
Josh A. Whitley
4131 Fawnhollow
Dallas, TX 75238
April 8, 199X
Mr. Galen Crouch
Senior Vice President
Southern Company
1200 Peachtree Street
Atlanta, GA 30070
Dear Mr. Crouch:
A recent Wall Street Journal article quoted your description of the new "general associates" program for superior schools liberal arts graduates who have outstanding academic and leadership credentials. I believe I am one of those students and would like to be considered for your program.
As you can see from my enclosed resume, I've held several management positions, most notably president of my 165-member fraternity, which included managing a $20,000 budget as well as supervising six committees. I've also had extensive business experience, having financed 50 percent of my college education through a combination of work study and summer jobs.
You will also notice that I am an English major with a Psychology minor. Through my English courses, I have learned to both think clearly and communicate effectively -- qualities prized by corporations such as Southern Company, but often missing in more narrowly trained students. My psychology background helps me work with and supervise people effectively, which is so necessary in business today.
I will be in Atlanta the week of May 5-10 and would enjoy meeting with you to discuss how I might fit into your program. I believe my immediate goal of entering a management training program with a progressive Fortune 500 company matches your goal of hiring students with "high-quality academic and leadership experience." I will call your secretary later this week to schedule an appointment.
Josh Whitley
This is from a job seeker who wants to make a difference for the prospective employer.
See how he makes his point:
Carrie E. French
717 Williamsburg Terrace
Evanston, IL 60203
October 29, 199X
Ms. Colleen Gramacki
Recruiting Administrator
McKeith & Company, Inc.
One Preston Park Plaza
Suite 2000
Chicago, IL 60603
Dear Ms. Gramacki:
I want to make a difference!
Recently, I attended a presentation on your company's Business Analyst Program. I am very impressed with the program and McKeith & Company as a whole. Particularly appealing is the range of your industries and clients served, and the firm's ability to forge lasting partnerships. Equally impressive is the strong team structure and cooperation within the firm. It is clear that McKeith & Company is making a difference in the business world.
I feel my skills can make a difference to the McKeith team. Throughout my academic career, I have demonstrated superior achievement and developed strong quantitative and analytic skills. However, my skills extend far beyond the classroom. My extracurricular activities include positions of leadership as well as work on teams and committees. Through campus organizations and volunteer work, I have also made an effort to contribute both to the university and to the surrounding community. I can offer McKeith these abilities as well as my dedication, energy and willingness to learn new skills.
I am seeking a position in the McKeith & Company, Inc., Business Analyst Program at the Chicago office. I would like the opportunity to meet with you to explain more fully my qualifications and the ways in which I can contribute to the McKeith team. Thank you for your time.
Carrie E. French
An applicant searching for his right niche
Thus goes his cover letter:
Randall T. Jones
4326 Hunter Avenue
Orange City, FL 32725
April 23, 199X
Mr. Barry Noggle
Flight Attendant Recruitment
Delta Airlines
Dallas, TX 75202
Dear Mr. Noggle:
Enclosed is my application for a flight attendant position with Delta. Delta is my favorite airline because of the camaraderie among its employees, its exceptional reputation in the industry and the commitment to quality services for its passengers.
I understand that Delta has many successful routes to Europe. Your hub in Frankfurt particularly interests me because I was born in Germany and understand its people and culture. Having been raised in both Germany and the United States, I am equally comfortable in either country. Flying with Delta would give me the opportunity to use my bi-continental experience in a career I can really be proud of.
In the past few years, I've been searching for the right niche. Being an international flight attendant seems to be an excellent match for my background and interests. My experience as a skycap reinforces my feeling that making people feel comfortable and cared for is very satisfying.
I would be proud to be part of your organization. I will call next week to confirm that you received my application and to answer any questions you might have.
Sincerely yours,
Randy Jones
An Environment Enthusiast's Effort
Here is his letter to an environmental company:
Lorna M. Stuart
5625 Stamford Street-Apt 12
Philadelphia, PA 19152
January 21, 199X
Mr. Art Robb, Vice President
Baker Environmental Inc.
420 Rouser Road
Coraopolis, PA 15108
Dear Mr. Robb:
This past December, I graduated from the University of Pittsburgh with a B.S. in Civil Engineering that included an environmental course concentration. In my search for employment, I have selected companies that offer career opportunities, professional development, a challenging work environment and the potential for advancement. Baker Environmental is such a company.
I also want to be part of an organization that is dedicated to the improvement of our environment. As the corporation's fastest growing division, Baker Environmental has shown such dedication. Your work with OXY USA and CONOCO to capture coal-bed methane gas is an example of the type of innovative solutions necessary to solve today's complex industrial problems. I was introduced to this method of resource recovery through a critique of an Environmental Impact Statement that dealt with the development of natural gas and coal deposits in Colorado.
In addition to the environmental impact statement process, I have been introduced to aspects of site remediation. The analysis of a fictitious hazardous waste landfill as part of my senior design project became a reality as I tracked project revenues and costs for a landfill remediation project in Ohio. I am also familiar with many of the different treatment systems available through work on an environmental products database and a quarterly publication that highlights innovative environmental technologies.
I have enclosed my resume for your review. I will contact you during the week of February 7 to discuss the professional opportunities that exist with Baker Environmental. Thank you for your consideration.
Lorna M. Stuart