Do not forget to research your chosen industry. Bear in mind that if you are uninterested in your preparations, it will not be hidden from the employer either.
Moreover, you cannot rely exclusively on a single job hunting method. You have to try several openings and not be impatient. It makes sense to scan all available job advertisements.
Do not forget the purpose of a resume. Most people do not understand the way the employer reads a resume. A resume is not supposed to be a record of your life; ensure you list your professional accomplishments well. Keep your options open and be prepared for two or three different kinds of resumes for different jobs. Before sending off your resume, do not forget to proofread it. Sometimes people forget to include the most important things in the resume. To avoid this, look over your documents two or three times.
Make sure that you do not use a standard cover letter to all employers. Take the time to conduct research on what the employer is looking for and make sure your letter conveys that you have what it is needed to succeed in the job.
Also, make sure you maintain a record of the places you apply to. Do not make the mistake of applying twice to the same place; this reveals a lack of attention to details.
When you invest time in preparing your documents for the interview, you are also in effect, researching for your interview. This will also help you during the interview; you will be able to give answers in a more informed manner as well as be able to ask relevant questions.
In the end, not be discouraged if you do not receive immediate job offers. It is not the end of the world, just another experience.
Searching jobs is sometimes very hard on new graduates, too. They are either too young or not ready for the real world.
Another factor to remember is the increase of social networking websites these days. If you are part of such a network, be careful about what you post or make known publicly. Your potential employers can check up on your credentials in various ways and this is one of them.